My husband and I had been planning a long weekend fam jam for the last few months and on May long weekend, the day had finally arrived. We were going to have people over Friday evening and a few families were planning on staying until Monday afternoon. All our plans were running relatively smoothly. Once Friday morning came around, we were getting Pepper and Tiger ready to go to a pet boarding service for the weekend (since they don't do well around crowds and/or around strangers.)
As I was trying to catch the cats, Pepper suddenly squatted in my dirty laundry basket and let out a little bit of pee. Since he's done that before, we knew what was happening: his urinary infection was coming back. However, the first time around was far worse. He was squirting bloody pee all over our (condo at the time.) So in retrospect, this time around wasn't so bad. At least we knew what was going on with him and knew what actions to take to help him feel better. We booked an emergency vet appointment with a nearby vet where they kept him overnight to collect a urine sample for testing.
After we dropped Pepper off at the vet, we still had lots of party preparations to do. Plus, we had to go back home to pick up Tiger and drop him off to the pet sitters'. Mind you, we live in a small town where our vet and pet sitters are on opposite sides of town, both about 30 minutes away from where we live.
Through out all the party craziness, Pepper was still at the vet and I kept calling to see if he had urinated yet (he didn't until the next afternoon.) When he DID finally urinate, my husband had to leave the party in a hurry to pick him up from the vet, and drop him off to the pet sitters'. As previously mentioned, the vet and pet sitters are on the opposite side of town.
Male cats have a higher chance of getting urinary infections then female cats. Furthermore, once they've had it once, there's a chance of the infection coming back, which is exactly what happened. Pepper was put on medication for a few days and is now on a prescription diet, which we have to buy directly from the vet. (FYI, If anyone's pets are acting oddly, I strongly encourage you to take them to a nearby vet immediately to treat the issue.)
The vet clinic we went to is open 24 hours which I found very comforting. Furthermore, the pet boarding service is a husband and wife who work from home and they board both cats and dogs. The dog kennels are in a completely separate building behind their house, and the cats stay in their house with them where they feed, play and watch over them. Despite all the unfortunate events that took place with our kitty, we had a wonderful experience with both our (new) vet and the pet boarding service.