I had my "Golden Birthday" last Thursday, as I turned 27 on the 27th (of September.) In my opinion, it was a special birthday. This is something that will only happen once in a lifetime. I normally do not do anything special on my birthday. But this year, I decided to celebrate. Originally, I wanted to meet my friends at a restaurant downtown. I called them on Monday evening, asking how early I need to place a reservation for the weekend and the lady on the phone said, at least two days. I called back on Wednesday to make my reservation but was told that the weekend was fully booked due to Nuit Blanche. Furthermore, she said for a weekend reservation I should have called a week before!!! I complained to her and told her I did call on Monday and was told I could still place a reservation. If I had known at that time, I would have just placed my reservation right then and there. Anyways, I had to change my location a few days before the lunch to a nearby restaurant. I was disappointed at first, but it turned out fine in the end. I still enjoyed myself.
I expected eight of my friends to come, but three cancelled at the last minute. I tried not to let it get to me and I just enjoyed the day with the people who did come. We had a lovely lunch and some of us went for a walk by a nearby water fountain after lunch. I got a few really nice presents from some of the guests (which I really didn't expect.)
The last birthday I had celebrated before this was my thirteenth. I remember my three best friends had invited me over to one of their houses for dinner the night of my big day. I didn't expect it to be a party, I thought we'd just hang out. As I arrived to my friends house, I realized there was food and presents! So it was somewhat of a surprise party! I got a make up set and some little decoration pieces. The girls did a little makeover on me after we ate. It was loads of fun. I don't know why I haven't done my birthday since. My parents normally get me a cake, but this was the first time after many years I did something. I'm glad I did and I had a wonderful time with my loved ones.
On another note: We took Tiger to another vet for a second opinion. He's gone through more tests and medications and his eye infection is still there. Plus the vet wasn't able to give us any answers. I've come to the conclusion it's a chronic thing. I've done all I can to help him with it, I don't know what else I can do.
I wish I had thought of that when I turned 13 on the August 13