We moved to our new house in early June, July was busy with our fasting month, and August/September we hosted a few parties with my and my husband's families. We had my immediate family over for Eid, my husband's entire extended family over for a housewarming (which was almost 50 people) and a small group of hubby's cousins over for the long weekend before school started again. Now that we are semi-settled into the new place, I am trying to get back into my daily workout routine.
Last year, I was extremely vigilant with my diet and workout. I logged everything on my fitness pal app, followed a strict 1200 calorie diet, drank 2 litres of water regularly, and worked out on a daily basis. I managed to lose 20 pounds in about 5-6 months, which was a huge accomplishment for me. It was half the weight I wanted to lose, so that was such a great milestone to know I reached such a big stepping stone. However, I then went through some extremely painful and uncomfortable medical treatment, causing me to gain all that weight back again, due to lack of exercise and being on pain killers. Gaining all my weight back took away my motivation to get back on the horse and start working out again. However, I am slowly getting back into the game.
I started using my fitness pal app again, and am watching every single thing I am eating. I am trying my best to workout regularly, but in all honesty, it can be really difficult. It just feels like a chore, and I really don't enjoy it. I took swimming lessons last year which was fun and was such a great workout. I live in a very scenic little neighbourhood, so I am changing it up by trying to go for walks and jogs on a daily basis and enjoying the scenery simultaneously. I am really pushing myself and remind myself that it took a few months to gain all that weight back, so it will take a few months to lose it all again.
My husband and I started this "no sugar" thing earlier this week. It's very difficult, considering I have a really bad sweet tooth! I am taking baby steps the best way I can. With my hubby cutting his sugar intake with me, that will make it much easier for me to eat healthy, and stay motivated. I also feel like the "no sugar" rule will help me lose weight a lot quicker than I did the first time! I will still have a treat from time to time, but I will control myself around desserts. I do hate to use the word "diet" because that just puts me off. So instead of saying "I am on a no sugar diet", I will say "I am making healthier life choices." Wish me luck! Here's to eating healthy, working your butt off (literally) and a better lifestyle change!
It's not so much as a diet but a "liveit." Because, after all, aren't we trying to live longer, healthier lives?! I too, am trying to eat healthier in order to lose many pounds which accumulated over almost 30 years. The fact that i am now going through divorce (don't get me started on the lying, cheating SOB) helps as I don't have to worry about what I have to fix for everyone else - just me. For the most part, bread, pasta, and rice have gone away. I don't eat cereal anymore - haven't for years except for Cheerios and Grape Nuts. I can't tolerate much of the starches after my surgery. Yes, I am one of "those" people who had to resort to surgical intervention in my struggle with weight. It hasn't helped that I have been sick for over 5 years - beginning with nearly dying in Jan 2009. Anyhoo, the surgery has kicked my metabolism into working and while I am not losing weight at a breakneck speed, what I have lost (95 pounds so far) has STAYED OFF, which is a great coup for me. I was always one of those yo-yo dieters, losing weight and then gaining what I lost and then some back.
ReplyDeleteIt's wonderful your husband has joined you in your endeavor towards a healthier lifestyle! You don't have that turmoil of making all the sweets and treats for him and then have to watch all your hard work being eaten by everyone but you. It reduces the temptation. May I suggest offering yourself the occasional reward day once you've reached certain goals? That way you don't feel deprived and don't find yourself going overboard when you feel your resolve falling away. It has worked for me and has had an added benefit - I find myself wanting those treats less frequently and am now to the point that the mere thought of a sweet other than fruit actually makes me sick to my stomach! The surgery kinda helps with that too! ;-)
Good luck and keep posting your progress! I'm there with you in spirit!
Dear Deanna,
DeleteI'm so sorry to hear that you went through something so horrific with your ex, and am sorry you had such a bad health scare! But I am so happy to hear you are on your way to a better you, and have worked so hard to take care of yourself! 90 pounds is a great accomplishment! Good for you!
Thank you for your words of encouragement. My husband is already very thin and has so interest in losing weight. His friend showed him a documentary a few days ago on how bad sugar is for you and how addictive it is. Yes you're absolutely right, it's definitely easier to make diet changes when your spouse is doing them alongside with you! Our rule is: we each get to have 1 sweet sugar treat a week, so we don't completely deprive ourselves of the occasional snack. Also, we've substituted sugar for honey in our drinks and desserts. I will certainly continue to document my journey!
Hi there, Sadaf!
ReplyDelete-just came across your blog & wanted to add my thoughts to dietary changes. I have made a recent pledge to change the way I eat. A few medical issues have promoted this change, otherwise I think I would have blithely gone on eating, in part, too much sugar. To be honest, I didn't realise how much of my eating was consumed by sweet-treats until I made the change. May you continue to feel fit & be healthy!
Hi Bea... Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. Since I wrote this blog entry, I've had to make some more dietary changes to my diet as well. I have IBS so my trigger foods tend to me meat, grains and dairy. So for the past few month, I've been eating misty vegan foods. The only non-vegan food I eat is eggs. I've found lots of great alternatives! Non-dairy milk, pasta made from corn flour, coconut flour for baking goodies. Good for you! I wish you all the luck in your future health goals! =)
ReplyDeleteOh my. Sorry for all the grammar mistakes up there lol. My phone did some funny autocorrects!
ReplyDeleteI have IBS so my trigger foods tend to me meat, grains and dairy. So for the past few month, I've been eating misty vegan foods. The only non-vegan food I eat is eggs.