Sunday, 6 January 2019


I am generally known by my loved ones as someone who is friendly, talkative, easy going and often smiling. However, in recent months I have felt this part of myself slowly fading away. After a very crazy year full of big changes and big adjustments, I am finding myself overwhelmed by the many ways life has taken a turn. I will spare you the unfortunate details and just say: sometimes it is okay to not be okay.

The funny thing about life is that it never goes the way we planned. This is God showing us His infinite power. We can mentally prepare ourselves for what's about to come all we want, but there will always be curveballs along the way. It's not always bad. Life can surprise us in very positive ways too. We must take lessons from all aspects of life; good and bad. The healthiest thing we can do for ourselves is take everything in stride.

Don't be afraid to make changes in order to look after your own mental health. You have the right to cut out toxicity from your daily life if you feel it is hurting you. Whether it's a toxic habit, form of entertainment or even another person. Think outside the box and remind yourself that sometimes it is God's way of helping you. He may be enlightening you and opening your eyes to new and better possibilities. Even though you may feel like something was good for you, He is making you aware that maybe you never needed it in your life in the first place. The only person who can care for you is you. There is no shame in talking about your fears, feelings, and/or worries. Get outside help from a professional (i.e., therapist) if you must. Never let anyone dismiss your concerns, because your thoughts and feelings matter. They are important. Let the past be the past, and move forward. Allow yourself to heal from pain, Never be afraid to add new things to your life, and say goodbye to old things. It won't always be easy. More often than not, it will even be painful. Making drastic changes in life takes a lot of courage. Quoting Mitch Albom, "All endings are also beginnings. We just don't know it at the time." (The Five People You Meet In Heaven).

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